CAD4 | YZZ | Trail Airport |
CAH3 | YCA | Courtenay Airpark |
CAJ4 | YAA | Anahim Lake Airport |
CAL4 | JHL | Fort MacKay/Albian Aerodrome |
CCA6 | YWM | Williams Harbour Airport |
CCK4 | YFX | St. Lewis (Fox Harbour) Airport |
CCP4 | YHA | Port Hope Simpson Airport |
CCZ2 | YRG | Rigolet Airport |
CEB3 | YCK | Colville Lake Airport |
CEM3 | YLE | Whatì Airport |
CER4 | NML | Fort McMurray / Mildred Lake Airport |
CFG6 | YFI | Fort Mackay / Firebag |
CJV7 | SUR | Summer Beaver Airport |
CKB6 | YAX | Wapekeka Airport |
CKL3 | WNN | Wunnumin Lake Airport |
CKQ3 | YNO | North Spirit Lake Airport |
CKV4 | YDW | Obre Lake/North of Sixty Airport |
CNE3 | XBE | Bearskin Lake Airport |
CNM5 | KIF | Kingfisher Lake Airport |
CNT3 | YOG | Ogoki Post Airport |
CPF2 | YEB | Bar River Airport |
CPV7 | YHP | Poplar Hill Airport |
CSK6 | YNX | Snap Lake Airport |
CSR8 | SSQ | La Sarre Airport |
CSU2 | YKU | Chisasibi Airport |
CTB6 | ZTB | Tête-à-la-Baleine Airport |
CTP9 | YAU | Donaldson Airport |
CTU5 | ZLT | La Tabatière Airport |
CYAC | YAC | Cat Lake Airport |
CYAG | YAG | Fort Frances Municipal Airport |
CYAH | YAH | La Grande-4 Airport |
CYAL | YAL | Alert Bay Airport |
CYAM | YAM | Sault Ste. Marie Airport |
CYAQ | XKS | Kasabonika Airport |
CYAS | YKG | Kangirsuk Airport |
CYAT | YAT | Attawapiskat Airport |
CYAU | YAU | Liverpool Airport/South Shore Regional |
CYAV | YAV | Winnipeg/St. Andrews Airport |
CYAW | YAW | Halifax/Shearwater Airport |
CYAX | YAX | Lac Du Bonnet Airport |
CYAY | YAY | St. Anthony Airport |
CYAZ | YAZ | Tofino Airport |
CYBB | YBB | Kugaaruk Airport |
CYBC | YBC | Baie-Comeau Airport |
CYBD | QBC | Bella Coola Airport |
CYBE | YBE | Uranium City Airport |
CYBF | YBY | Bonnyville Airport |
CYBG | YBG | Bagotville Airport |
CYBK | YBK | Baker Lake Airport |
CYBL | YBL | Campbell River Airport |
CYBQ | XTL | Tadoule Lake Airport |
CYBR | YBR | Brandon Municipal Airport |
CYBT | YBT | Brochet Airport |
CYBV | YBV | Berens River Airport |
CYBX | YBX | Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon Airport |
CYCA | YRF | Cartwright Airport |
CYCB | YCB | Cambridge Bay Airport |
CYCC | YCC | Cornwall Regional Airport |
CYCD | YCD | Nanaimo Airport |
CYCE | YCE | Centralia/Huron Airpark |
CYCG | YCG | Castlegar Airport |
CYCH | YCH | Miramichi Airport |
CYCL | YCL | Charlo Airport |
CYCN | YCN | Cochrane Airport |
CYCO | YCO | Kugluktuk Airport |
CYCQ | YCQ | Chetwynd Airport |
CYCR | YCR | Cross Lake (Charlie Sinclair Memorial) Airport |
CYCS | YCS | Chesterfield Inlet Airport |
CYCY | YCY | Clyde River Airport |
CYCZ | YCZ | Fairmont Hot Springs Airport |
CYDA | YDA | Dawson City Airport |
CYDB | YDB | Burwash Airport |
CYDF | YDF | Deer Lake Airport |
CYDM | YDM | Ross River Airport |
CYDN | YDN | Dauphin (Lt. Col W.G. (Billy) Barker VC Airport) |
CYDO | YDO | Dolbeau-St-Félicien Airport |
CYDP | YDP | Nain Airport |
CYDQ | YDQ | Dawson Creek Airport |
CYEE | YEE | Midland/Huronia Airport |
CYEG | YEG | Edmonton International Airport |
CYEK | YEK | Arviat Airport |
CYEL | YEL | Elliot Lake Municipal Airport |
CYEM | YEM | Manitowaning/Manitoulin East Municipal Airport |
CYEN | YEN | Estevan Airport |
CYER | YER | Fort Severn Airport |
CYET | YET | Edson Airport |
CYEU | YEU | Eureka Airport |
CYEV | YEV | Inuvik (Mike Zubko) Airport |
CYEY | YEY | Amos/Magny Airport |
CYFA | YFA | Fort Albany Airport |
CYFB | YFB | Iqaluit Airport |
CYFC | YFC | Fredericton Airport |
CYFE | YFE | Forestville Airport |
CYFH | YFH | Fort Hope Airport |
CYFJ | YTM | Rivière Rouge/Mont-Tremblant International Inc Airport |
CYFO | YFO | Flin Flon Airport |
CYFR | YFR | Fort Resolution Airport |
CYFS | YFS | Fort Simpson Airport |
CYFT | YMN | Makkovik Airport |
CYGB | YGB | Texada/Gillies Bay Airport |
CYGD | YGD | Goderich Airport |
CYGH | YGH | Fort Good Hope Airport |
CYGK | YGK | Kingston Airport |
CYGL | YGL | La Grande Rivière Airport |
CYGM | YGM | Gimli Industrial Park Airport |
CYGO | YGO | Gods Lake Narrows Airport |
CYGP | YGP | Gaspé Airport |
CYGQ | YGQ | Geraldton (Greenstone Regional) Airport |
CYGR | YGR | Îles-de-la-Madeleine Airport |
CYGT | YGT | Igloolik Airport |
CYGV | YGV | Havre St-Pierre Airport |
CYGW | YGW | Kuujjuarapik Airport |
CYGX | YGX | Gillam Airport |
CYGZ | YGZ | Grise Fiord Airport |
CYHA | YQC | Quaqtaq Airport |
CYHC | CXH | Vancouver Harbour Water Aerodrome |
CYHD | YHD | Dryden Regional Airport |
CYHE | YHE | Hope Airport |
CYHF | YHF | Hearst (René Fontaine) Municipal Airport |
CYHH | YNS | Nemiscau Airport |
CYHI | YHI | Ulukhaktok/Holman Airport |
CYHK | YHK | Gjoa Haven Airport |
CYHM | YHM | Hamilton Airport |
CYHN | YHN | Hornepayne Municipal Airport |
CYHO | YHO | Hopedale Airport |
CYHP | YHP | Poplar Hill Airport |
CYHR | YHR | Chevery Airport |
CYHT | YHT | Haines Junction Airport |
CYHU | YHU | Montréal/St-Hubert Airport |
CYHY | YHY | Hay River Airport |
CYHZ | YHZ | Halifax Stanfield International Airport |
CYIB | YIB | Atikokan Municipal Airport |
CYID | YDG | Digby / Annapolis Regional Airport |
CYIF | YIF | Saint-Augustin Airport |
CYIK | YIK | Ivujivik Airport |
CYIO | YIO | Pond Inlet Airport |
CYIV | YIV | Island Lake Airport |
CYJF | YJF | Fort Liard Airport |
CYJN | YJN | St-Jean Airport |
CYJT | YJT | Stephenville Airport |
CYKA | YKA | Kamloops Airport |
CYKD | LAK | Aklavik Airport |
CYKF | YKF | Kitchener/Waterloo Regional Airport |
CYKJ | YKJ | Key Lake Airport |
CYKL | YKL | Schefferville Airport |
CYKO | AKV | Akulivik Airport |
CYKQ | YKQ | Waskaganish Airport |
CYKX | YKX | Kirkland Lake Airport |
CYKY | YKY | Kindersley Airport |
CYKZ | YKZ | Toronto/Buttonville Municipal Airport |
CYLA | YPJ | Aupaluk Airport |
CYLC | YLC | Kimmirut Airport |
CYLD | YLD | Chapleau Airport |
CYLH | YLH | Lansdowne House Airport |
CYLJ | YLJ | Meadow Lake Airport |
CYLK | YSG | Lutselk'e Airport |
CYLL | YLL | Lloydminster Airport |
CYLR | YLR | Leaf Rapids Airport |
CYLT | YLT | Alert Airport |
CYLU | XGR | Kangiqsualujjuaq (Georges River) Airport |
CYLW | YLW | Kelowna Airport |
CYMA | YMA | Mayo Airport |
CYME | YME | Matane Airport |
CYMG | YMG | Manitouwadge Airport |
CYMH | YMH | Mary's Harbour Airport |
CYMJ | YMJ | Moose Jaw Air Vice Marshal C. M. McEwen Airport |
CYML | YML | Charlevoix Airport |
CYMM | YMM | Fort McMurray Airport |
CYMO | YMO | Moosonee Airport |
CYMT | YMT | Chibougamau/Chapais Airport |
CYMU | YUD | Umiujaq Airport |
CYMX | YMX | Montréal-Mirabel International Airport |
CYNA | YNA | Natashquan Airport |
CYNC | YNC | Wemindji Airport |
CYND | YND | Ottawa / Gatineau Airport |
CYNE | YNE | Norway House Airport |
CYNL | YNL | Points North Landing Airport |
CYNM | YNM | Matagami Airport |
CYNN | YNN | Nejanilini Lake Airport |
CYNR | HZP | Fort Mackay / Horizon Airport |
CYOA | YOA | Ekati Airport |
CYOC | YOC | Old Crow Airport |
CYOD | YOD | Cold Lake Airport |
CYOH | YOH | Oxford House Airport |
CYOJ | YOJ | High Level Airport |
CYOO | YOO | Oshawa Airport |
CYOP | YOP | Rainbow Lake Airport |
CYOS | YOS | Owen Sound/Billy Bishop Regional Airport |
CYOW | YOW | Ottawa/Macdonald-Cartier International Airport |
CYPA | YPA | Prince Albert (Glass Field) Airport |
CYPC | YPC | Paulatuk Airport |
CYPD | YPS | Port Hawkesbury Airport |
CYPE | YPE | Peace River Airport |
CYPG | YPG | Portage La Prairie/Southport Airport |
CYPH | YPH | Inukjuak Airport |
CYPL | YPL | Pickle Lake Airport |
CYPM | YPM | Pikangikum Airport |
CYPN | YPN | Port-Menier Airport |
CYPO | YPO | Peawanuck Airport |
CYPQ | YPQ | Peterborough Airport |
CYPR | YPR | Prince Rupert Airport |
CYPW | YPW | Powell River Airport |
CYPX | YPX | Puvirnituq Airport |
CYPY | YPY | Fort Chipewyan Airport |
CYQA | YQA | Muskoka Airport |
CYQB | YQB | Québec/Jean Lesage International Airport |
CYQD | YQD | The Pas Airport |
CYQF | YQF | Red Deer Regional Airport |
CYQG | YQG | Windsor Airport |
CYQH | YQH | Watson Lake Airport |
CYQI | YQI | Yarmouth Airport |
CYQK | YQK | Kenora Airport |
CYQL | YQL | Lethbridge County Airport |
CYQM | YQM | Greater Moncton International Airport |
CYQN | YQN | Nakina Airport |
CYQQ | YQQ | Comox Airport |
CYQR | YQR | Regina International Airport |
CYQS | YQS | St. Thomas Municipal Airport |
CYQT | YQT | Thunder Bay Airport |
CYQU | YQU | Grande Prairie Airport |
CYQV | YQV | Yorkton Municipal Airport |
CYQW | YQW | North Battleford (Cameron McIntosh) Airport |
CYQX | YQX | Gander International Airport |
CYQY | YQY | Sydney Airport (Nova Scotia) |
CYQZ | YQZ | Quesnel Airport |
CYRA | YRA | Gamètì/Rae Lakes Airport |
CYRB | YRB | Resolute Bay Airport |
CYRC | YRC | Chicoutimi/St-Honore Airport |
CYRI | YRI | Rivière-du-Loup Airport |
CYRJ | YRJ | Roberval Airport |
CYRL | YRL | Red Lake Airport |
CYRO | YRO | Ottawa/Rockcliffe Airport |
CYRP | YRP | Ottawa/Carp Airport |
CYRQ | YRQ | Trois-Rivières Airport |
CYRS | YRS | Red Sucker Lake Airport |
CYRT | YRT | Rankin Inlet Airport |
CYRV | YRV | Revelstoke Airport |
CYSB | YSB | Sudbury Airport |
CYSC | YSC | Sherbrooke Airport |
CYSF | YSF | Stony Rapids Airport |
CYSH | YSH | Smiths Falls-Montague Airport |
CYSJ | YSJ | Saint John Airport |
CYSK | YSK | Sanikiluaq Airport |
CYSL | YSL | St. Leonard Airport |
CYSM | YSM | Fort Smith Airport |
CYSN | YCM | Niagara District Airport |
CYSN | YCN | St. Catharines/Niagara District Airport |
CYSP | YSP | Marathon Airport |
CYSR | YSR | Nanisivik Airport |
CYST | YST | St. Theresa Point Airport |
CYSU | YSU | Summerside Airport |
CYSY | YSY | Sachs Harbour Airport |
CYTA | YTA | Pembroke Airport |
CYTE | YTE | Cape Dorset Airport |
CYTF | YTF | Alma Airport |
CYTH | YTH | Thompson Airport |
CYTJ | YTJ | Terrace Bay Airport |
CYTL | YTL | Big Trout Lake Airport |
CYTQ | YTQ | Tasiujaq Airport |
CYTR | YTR | Trenton Airport |
CYTS | YTS | Timmins Airport |
CYTZ | YTZ | Toronto/City Centre Airport |
CYUB | YUB | Tuktoyaktuk Airport |
CYUL | YUL | Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport |
CYUT | YUT | Repulse Bay Airport |
CYUX | YUX | Hall Beach Airport |
CYUY | YUY | Rouyn-Noranda Airport |
CYVB | YVB | Bonaventure Airport |
CYVC | YVC | La Ronge (Barber Field) Airport |
CYVD | YVD | Virden/R.J. (Bob) Andrew Field Regional Aerodrome |
CYVG | YVG | Vermilion Airport |
CYVK | YVE | Vernon Airport |
CYVM | YVM | Qikiqtarjuaq Airport |
CYVO | YVO | Val-d'Or Airport |
CYVP | YVP | Kuujjuaq Airport |
CYVQ | YVQ | Norman Wells Airport |
CYVR | YVR | Vancouver International Airport |
CYVT | YVT | Buffalo Narrows Airport |
CYVV | YVV | Wiarton Airport |
CYVZ | YVZ | Deer Lake Airport |
CYWA | YWA | Petawawa Airport |
CYWG | YWG | Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport |
CYWH | YWH | Victoria Inner Harbour Airport |
CYWJ | YWJ | Deline Airport |
CYWK | YWK | Wabush Airport |
CYWL | YWL | Williams Lake Airport |
CYWP | YWP | Webequie Airport |
CYWV | YWV | Wainwright Airport |
CYWY | YWY | Wrigley Airport |
CYXC | YXC | Cranbrook/Canadian Rockies International Airport |
CYXD | YXD | Edmonton City Centre (Blatchford Field) Airport |
CYXE | YXE | Saskatoon/John G. Diefenbaker International Airport |
CYXH | YXH | Medicine Hat Airport |
CYXJ | YXJ | Fort St. John Airport |
CYXK | YXK | Rimouski Airport |
CYXL | YXL | Sioux Lookout Airport |
CYXN | YXN | Whale Cove Airport |
CYXP | YXP | Pangnirtung Airport |
CYXQ | YXQ | Beaver Creek Airport |
CYXR | YXR | Earlton (Timiskaming Regional) Airport |